Jumble Spoiler – 10/15/21

Green Anaconda | National Geographic

Visual Description:  Years and years . . . on the bayou.


Clue/Question:  The anaconda celebrating her 20th birthday was happy to be able to – – –

Ten Interesting Facts About The Capybara, The World's Largest Rodent


(When I saw that the answer letter layout was thirteen letters long I thought I was in for a tough solve!  But then I saw the cartoon, read the clue/question, and saw the layout of the final answer slots, and I immediately saw the answer.  I think that the critters that are helping her celebrating better watch their backs.  Not a whole lot of animals are NOT an anaconda’s prey!

We have seen all of today’s clue words before.  Two of the jumbles appear to be new, but we’ve definitely seen both “lival” and “gamie” in past Jumbles.  The thirteen letter answer letter layout was fairly cryptic jumble.  But as I said above, there were lots of clues to help me out.

Cute Amazonian jungle scene cartoon.  Great frog, toucan, and – possibly – a capybara.  I know that they are native to South America.  Those big snakes are positively prehistoric!  They’ve always given me the willies.  I don’t understand why some people want to keep them as pets.  They’re not warm, they’re not furry.  I guess they’re relatively low maintenance.  And, they are fascinating.  But for me, they’re not pets.  To each their own, I guess.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google

Happy birthday to Richard Carpenter, of The Carpenters!  (His sister, Karen, sang like an angel!  And, now she is one.)


  1. Unc,

    Why some people keep pythons and anacondas as pets is beyond my reasoning.

    Anything that’s big enough to eat you and your children is not much of a pet ! I wonder how many python/anaconda-lovers have had a child disappear without a trace.

  2. In the crankshaft comic strip, the jumble was mentioned.ed was asked what he would miss most about the paper going away.he said quite frankly the jumble. Knew their was something I liked about ed crankshaft

  3. Thanks, Really! I think newspaper people kind of tend to stick together. It’s becoming like “The Last of the Mohicans”! Unfortunately, my newspaper doesn’t carry Crankshaft. But I enjoy it when I’m reading a newspaper that does. — YUR

  4. Good, rather stinky, pun! lwc, I don’t get keeping this kind of snake either. At least not as a pet!

    Our paper doesn’t do Crankshaft either, but I do enjoy it when I see it too. The shout out to The Guys is great! LL

  5. Hey UR…This isn’t the first time that we’ve seen the Jumble featured in Crankshaft. Every once in awhile it’s mentioned. And if you recall back in 2018, it was part of our Guest Jumbler Week… https://tinyurl.com/3yaezshx I guess it goes without saying that Batiuk and Davis are fans! And here’s yesterday’s comic strip, https://tinyurl.com/k9yzsdhz for those who missed it…Hope all is well, UR, and that you’re staying safe out there…Ciao! 🙋🏻‍♀️

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