Word Games!

The New Home of the Jumble and Cryptoquote Spoilers!

I’m a bit of a word-nerd.  I love doing the crossword puzzle, the Jumble, and the Cryptoquote (or Cryptogram), in the morning newspaper.  (For the first time in your uncles life, he was presented with solving a “Crypto-Quip”.  It’s, essentially, the same thing as a cryptoquote/gram, but the big attraction seems to be the turning of a well-known phrase, usually employing the element of the pun.  Your uncle LOVES puns, but he just can’t fathom WHY the creators would provide 2 “clues” to cracking the code?!?!  Fortunately, your uncle was able to avert his eyes, and solve it the way it SHOULD BE solved!  C’mon, Crypto-Quip people!  Head starts, like that, put it on a level such as The Kid’s Jumble!  Drop the “clues”!  Real puzzle solvers don’t need, or want, them.   YUR I also enjoy playing hangman (so, you probably know I’m a big fan of Wheel of Fortune)!.  I can’t do the sodoku to save my life!

I was going to publish my *Spoilers* here, but it’s easier to post them to the main blog.  I may, or may not, shut down this page.  We’ll see.

Your Uncle Rave


  1. If you mean the Jumble . . . yeah, I got it. It stumped me for a minute or two, but not really all that hard. I’m just enjoying the Sunday morning . . . too much.

    If you mean the Cryptoquote . . . no, not yet. I’m stalling a little. (It’s hard, today!) I wanted to get the Jumble up before Maria, or another regular, gets too upset with me!

    Have a good one, Rich.

  2. Where are your jumble spoilers? My computer was down for three weeks and now I cannot find the site where I could look this up. Thanks. Maxine

  3. If you could leave a comment it means you’re here, Maxine. Just scroll around. Go to the bottom of the page and click older, or next, or whatever. They’re all here somewhere. — YUR

  4. I always love reading your colorful comments, but I’m puzzled by your current comment about the Garrison Kieler quote.I didn’t get why you felt offended by the message, but perhaps that’s because I had an immediate and very different take on it. My first feel of it was that playing the music is it’s own reward as long as there’s no critics out there to burst the illusion that you may or may not be doing it well. ( that’s how I feel about writing.)

    In my opinion, Garrison Kieler is very liberal, and one of the modern day masters of common sense and slap stick comedy. I think his parodys of western and middle west America are unique and very entertaining. That might have something to do with the fact that i come from a western and middle west background

    Perhaps I should go back and reread it. what do you think ?


    P.S. I probably put this comment in the wrong place.
    And that comes from being so inexperienced with computers.

  5. I feel the comment kind of belittles the second violin. Being the second seat, at any instrument, is a rather big accomplishment.

    He always comes off as a little too self-satisfied in his bits, for my taste. He is largely responsible – again, in my opinion – for the popular impression that Liberals are all intellectual snobs. A lot of us are just regular guys with a keen sense of what’s just and what’s not.

    This is the wrong place, but don’t sweat it.

  6. I just read the quote again and saw how I murdered the poor mans name… should have been Garrison Keillor. Anyway,I still think, for me, that this is not about how well someone can play an instrument. It’s about the joy of allowing yourself to enjoy whatever instrument (or any other of the arts) you engage in or play, and at whatever level you’re on.

    The pleasure of interpreting or creating or for that matter, listening or taking it all in, in any field can be such a joy irregardless of whether you’re ready for success or not This is about being in the moment, and allowing yourself to take pleasure in it.

    It kind of worries me that you see this man as so threatening. I would like to see you enjoy it a little more. One of the things we need most is an ability to laugh at ourselves occasionally, and express our less than perfectness amongst friends who understand and love us anyway, as we do them.

  7. “Second violins can play a concerto perfectly if they’re in their own home and nobody’s there.”

    Everyone is entitled to their own interpretation, I guess, but I see things, like this, more in their literal context. The qualifier: “if they’re in their own home and nobody’s there” is pretty cut and dry to me. It doesn’t come off, to me, about “being in the moment”. It says you can play “perfectly” when no one is watching, but not while you are the main focus.

    Your assumption of me seeing him as “threatening” worries me. A little more *interpretation* on your part, I guess. I find Keillor amusing, at times, but I don’t always appreciate his style of humor. We all have different tastes in these things.


  8. Hello, I was hoping to get some help solving an insane puzzle!! It may be right up your alley.
    Please email me and I will send you the attachment with the puzzle!! Please I really need help!

  9. Love your brain. I just found u and am trying to work out each days soukous/cross/jumble for each day. For therapy. Had an aneurism and need this cuz my speech is still funky. Don’t go away or I’ll lose you! Regards.

  10. digging the word play. and thanks for visiting my blog. i just realized i didn’t have a follow button on my blog so if you want to get future updates in your reader from me that’s good place to start 🙂

  11. Do you just prefer puzzles with words, or do you also look to the climate change? Do you look to the birds and the bees, and the people around you? Do you look to the Good book?

    🙂 ❤

  12. Not the Good book, nor any other religious text. That’s not my scene, Pilgrim. But, all are welcome here! — YUR

  13. I’m stuck on the answer to the Jumble for today, September 16th. Where Okay Google Uncle Rave. ‘s I’m stuck on the answer to the jungle for today September 16th where can I get the answer can I get the answer? Okay Google Uncle Ray’s I’m stuck on the answer to the jungle for

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