(Tough) Sunday Jumble Spoiler – 11/24/19

Image result for making thanksgiving dinner

Visual Description:  Two birds are better than one.


Clue/Question:  Defrosting the turkey days before thanksgiving was a – – –

Pre-Answer:  Four Words  (4-letters)  “(6-letters)”-  (3-letters)  (4-letters) 

Image result for making thanksgiving dinner


(This was another final answer that I struggled some with.  But, I decided to break down my answer letter layout into consonants and vowels.  That made a big difference for me!  It helped me to see both WELL and PLAN, and from there – with the help of the quotation marks – I was able to see the pun in THAWED OUT.  A fine Jumble.

All of the clue words are familiar old friends, but I struggled some to get both “lunacy” and “tawdry”.  Very good jumbles.  All of the jumbles came up as new.  The answer letter layout was an awesome seventeen letter jumble.  It did an exceptional job of disguising the final answer.  If I didn’t break it down I don’t think I would have gotten the answer.

Nice cartoon of a teenage son helping his mom with bringing in the dinner’s ingredients.  Two turkeys, a bag of potatoes, and a bag of Popeye yams!  Very fun Jumble.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google



  1. Hey Unc- I had trouble, major trouble with Tawdry..I stepped away for a bit and actually got final before Tawdry, then backed In..Go figure…IM LOVING OUR BILLS!!!! I “Yam what I Yam”, But I’ll “Gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today”.. Wimpy

  2. When I’m stuck I have used that technique of breaking out the consonants and vowels, and I’ll write them on two separate lines in alphabetical order. This helps me estimate how many vowels would be deployed in each word. Sometimes there’s only one vowel per word, sometimes several, which can be a helpful clue at the words to seek. Stacking them in alphabetical order (or just randomly) can also help spot a word that gets buried in the sequence as they appear in the regular jumbled words.

    I didn’t use that technique today, though I struggled with this one, as I often do with invented-spelling, hyphenated words in a longish final answer. This final answer was designed very fairly; all four words can stand alone as real words. I recognized the first word was likely to be an adverb followed by an adjective and noun, and WELL was the adverb that came to mind fairly quickly. But I needed awhile to find THAW, first placing it incorrectly as the fourth word. I found the right final answer about 10 seconds later.

    Very good Sunday challenge… well done D&J! I did enjoy guest cartoonist week, too, as always. I’m very appreciative of Jeff’s work for Jumble, but it’s fun to discover new cartoonists and see their different take on the puzzle.

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