Cryptoquote Spoiler – 05/18/16

Men grow to the stature to which they are stretched when they are young.”   —   Antony Jay

(Our first Antony Jay quote, since I’ve been posting these spoilers.  I was not familiar with the man, so I had to Google Antony:  Bay, Fay, and Kay before I hit upon Jay.  Lay, Pay and Vay were other possibilities, but I pretty much ruled out Qay, Xay and Zay, right off the bat.  If I’d been in a big rush I might’ve attributed the quote to the soccer player, Antony Kay!  Mr. Jay is British, so it would be easy to make an unseemly, stereotypical remark about the quote, but I won’t go there.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

One comment

  1. I went through exactly the same process of elimination as you did, UR! My first guess was KAY. I remember that PBS used to run “Yes, Prime Minister,” but I never watched a single episode of it; sorry, Sir Antony!

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