Jumble Solved – 04/22/24

Why Cats Go Crazy for Catnip and Silver Vine – Meowingtons

Visual Description:  From cuddly to . . . hostile.


Clue/Question:  When she tried to take away her feline’s favorite aromatic herb toy, her – – –

Why Do Cats Like Catnip So Much? A Vet Explains - DodoWell - The Dodo


(All of our pets are supposed to be “domesticated”, but they still have their animal instincts.  I don’t think there is a substance that makes dogs “drunk”, like catnip does with cats.  It can really – temporarily – change cats’ personalities!  And NOT for the better!  Fortunately, they do return to normal . . . when they sober up!  I’ve experienced cats freaking out when you try to take away their catnip.  I still love cats, but I generally feel safer with dogs.

It’s been quite a while since David L. Hoyt has found us a new clue word to grace us with, as all four of today’s are on the ralis95 clue word database.  He has come up with three new jumbles though!  The only jumble I can confirm that we’ve seen before is “micpr”.  The answer letter layout was a nimble nine letter jumble.  But with the cartoon, and the clue/question dancing around words, with “feline” and “aromatic herb”, this was a very quick solve.

Great cartoon showing the lady’s precious, cuddly kitty . . . in an altered state!  That kitty looks positively pissed that her mistress is trying to take away her . . . joy.  He, or she, is an ugly drunk!  Besides being bit, she was probably scratched too.  Time to get out the hydrogen peroxide, and the antibiotic ointment!  Besides the pain, there’s always the risk of infection.  Bad kitty!  Is there a 12 step program for cats?  LOL!  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google


  1. I’d INVITE you too Unc, but I didn’t INVENT catnip 🐁 it’s grown organically…. I think? 🤔

    — Smitty

  2. LOL! Great catch, Smitty! You are the only one who noticed, apparently. At least you’re the only one to write in about it. Not sure if I wrote it down wrong, initially – the newspaper has been recycled – or if I just did this when I typed up the post! I guess the “IN” was the important part, so I – and many others – didn’t catch it. Both words are on the ralis95 clue word database! I will now process the correction.

    Yes, catnip IS organic. I believe it’s in the mint family. That’s why cats like it when you’re chewing mint gum, or eating a breath mint.

    Thanks for the heads up! — YUR

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