Sunday Jumble Spoiler – 10/04/20

Broadway shutdown extends to June amid coronavirus pandemic |

Visual Description:  The classics on Broadway.


Clue/Question:  NYC’s Broadway district has numerous theaters which makes it easy to go – – –

Pre-Answer:  Four Words  (4-letters)  (5-letters)  (2-letters)  (5-letters)  

List of NYC Broadway Shows | Theater Reviews, Half Price Tickets 2020


(I guess there is a time and place for these kinds of plays on words.  The place is here at The Jumble, and the time is daily!  Broadway is – unfortunately – dead in the water right now, due to the pandemic.  SO many people out of work, from the actors, directors, various stage hands, ushers and box office folks.  And, the people who run the little bar/refreshment stands for intermission, and the people hawking tee-shirts.  Add in all the surrounding restaurants and parking lots that rely on theater goers and you are talking about a huge number of people.  This goes for off-Broadway productions as well, of course.  The very few shows that may have been filmed, and now streamed on Netflix and such can’t begin to offset the overall losses.  And of course, the city of New York is losing scads of money from lost tourist/hotel revenue.  It’s a sad sad situation, my friends.

But, at least we have the Jumble to entertain us.  And, today we have a brand new clue word, in “gangly”, which surprisingly WordPress does not seem recognize.  They only recognize gangling.  Regardless, it will have to be added to the ralis95 clue word database!  Five of today’s jumbles appear to be new, with only “pectac” having definitely been used before.  I thought that a few of today’s jumbles were fairly challenging.  The answer letter layout was a brilliant sixteen letter jumble.  Beautifully cryptic.  I was only able to pick up on the clue/question, and the cartoon’s clues.  Nothing in the answer letter layout tipped me off.

Great cartoon of New York City’s theater district!  Smart move showing mostly Broadway revivals, and a play based upon a famous movie.  But, what?  No musical?  LOL!  Be well and do good, friends.  Stay away from that Covid-19!  Let’s try to be smarter about it than some of our “leaders”.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google


  1. It took me longer than it needed to to figure out the puzzle. I culled out all of the double letters first and found PLAYS. BUT, I had two extra letters in my clue letter list. As it turns out I had the right number of clue letters, but not enough circles to finish the puzzle. When I printed the Jumble, only two circles in the first word printed! I went back to the paper and saw the first word was 4 letters and finished out the answer. EGAD!

    CALICO took a few minutes to unjumble. I thought it was well hidden.

    Beautiful a Sunday here! LL

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