Cryptoquote Spoiler – 10/24/15

Ban Ki-moon
Ban Ki-moon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

At this critical moment, let us reaffirm our commitment to empowering the marginalized and vulnerable.”   —   Ban Ki-Moon

(Good man.  If only the United Nations had the teeth to enforce anything.  It started out as a puppet for the U.S. and Great Britain, then they grew to gain their own voice, but the “permanent members” almost always prevent any meaningful action, by exercising their “veto power”.  Such a shame.  There is so much potential there for good.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR


  1. Indeed. But if the U.S. would pay its much-delayed and hefty dues, the UN could at least put some muscle behind many of its good efforts. Problem is that by now, pressured by the lack of funds, it may be too deep in bed with spurious corporations that will foot any bill as long as it serves their own purpose. That’s not good. And then there’s the issue of the security council and how come members are ‘elected’ to it not by virtue of waging peace and understanding among nations, but by the sheer power of their arsenals. Still, I’m all for its continuous existence, even without much idea on what it could do to become relevant (as it somehow already is) as we all need it so desperately to be. Thanks for the reminder as today is its 70th anniversary. Cheers

  2. Even if the U.S. paid up they’d still have the veto power. The U.S. feels like it has created a kind of monster, but they know they can contain the monster, so they’re not too worried. I love the idea of a U.N., but as things currently stand it’s all just window dressing. — YUR

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