Jumble Solved – 11/22/23

Chubby Checker - The Twist (Official Music Video)

Visual Description:  The svelte Chubby.


Clue/Question:  Chubby Checker determined his Rock ‘N’ Roll future in 1960 with – – –

'Eight is Enough' star Dick Van Patten dies


(A fun Jumble pun!  Almost everyone loves the twist, as it is a dance with the simplest of rules.  No real steps to have to remember, just twisting your hips and torso, swinging your arms, and occasionally dipping down real low.  I wasn’t really aware of the song the first time around, but when it was re-released in January of 1962 I was in kindergarten, and I remember Miss Williams playing it for us and having us do a little dance contest.  Suffice to say, I did not win.  Even then I was no Gene Kelly.  I think a girl named Meg Williams won.  Hey!  Wait a minute!  Could Meg have been related to Miss Williams???  Being a trusting five year old, I never even thought of that possibility.  Oh my God!  Maybe the fix was in!  LOL!

All of today’s clue words are on the ralis95 clue word database.  And, surprisingly, all of today’s jumbles are coming up as new, for me.  But they were all pretty easy solves.  The answer letter layout was a terrific twelve letter jumble.  Well thought out, and not obvious at all.  This was a Jumble for older folks, and fans of old time Rock ‘N’ Roll.

Great cartoon of Ernest Evans, aka Chubby Checker.  Before making it big he’d already gotten the nick name “Chubby” from a boss of his at the Produce Market.  Later, at a private recording for American Bandstand, Ernest was doing an impression of Fats Domino, and Dick Clark’s wife asked him what his name was.  He said his friends call him Chubby, and because of the impression he’d just done she asked, “As in Checker?”  Everyone loved the alliteration and the word play of Fats to Chubby, and Domino to Checker, so the famous name was born.  I think by today’s standards, Ernest wouldn’t even be called Chubby!  He just had one of those faces that make you think he was fat.  Kinda like Dick Van Patten.  Anyway, fun Jumble.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google

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