Jumble Solved – 09/16/23

Dallas Braden comes clean: A's starter was hung over for 2010 perfect game

Visual Description:  Not a fan, I guess.


Clue/Question:  The announcer’s negative comments about the pitcher’s perfect game were – – –

Braden's perfect game | 05/09/2010 | MLB.com


(To be fair, perfect games and no-hitters are usually a team effort.  The pitcher generally can’t do it all by himself, but he’s definitely got to get the lion’s share of the credit!  The other eight certainly can’t do it without him.  This guy just seems to be a negative Nancy.  Maybe the pitcher is known to be a major league jerk . . . like Roger Clemens, and the announcer just doesn’t like him.  To an extent, I can relate.  But voicing his opinion like that just makes him sound petty.

I didn’t need to, but I did anyway, check the ralis95 clue word database.  Of course all four clue words were all there.  Two of the jumbles appear to be new, but we’ve definitely seen “sslaa” and “vohes” in earlier Jumbles.  The answer letter layout was a great eight letter jumble.  Decently cryptic.  But seeing the ASE made getting the final answer almost a gimme.

Great cartoon of the announcing crew following the momentous occasion.  The younger guy looks really angry, and incredulous, of the older announcer’s comment.  It’s hard to make out the players on the field.  It looks like they are celebrating, but I can definitely make out the dejected last batter.  Really great baseball Jumble.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google

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