Jumble Solved(?) – 08/18/23

Definition for Content – Looking at the Meaning

Visual Description:  The first continuation Jumble.


Clue/Question:  “A source of amusement, enjoyment or pleasure” can be considered a – – –

Low-Code, No-Code, LCNC: The formal definition - ApiOpenStudio


(I thought it was very interesting that today’s Jumble played off yesterday’s.  Something I don’t think we’ve ever seen before.  But I did not see/get the final answer.  And when I did – inadvertantly – see the final answer, I didn’t much care for it.  I didn’t get around to rewriting the the vowels and consonants, separately, in alphabetical order, and I don’t think that it would have helped me any.  Because of the en-quoted part of the clue/question I thought that maybe there was going to be some kind of applicable synonym that would help me solve it.  So, I Googled it.  The first few results were from other Jumble sites, so I didn’t open them, but as I scrolled down there was another one that had the answer right out in the open!  Ticked me off a bit, but what’s done is done I said to myself.  But I just don’t like the answer!  I mean I get it, in relation to yesterday’s Jumble, but I think every Jumble should be able to stand on its own merits.  I don’t think that folks who didn’t see/do yesterday’s Jumble would have gotten this.  I also understand that they wanted to work the word FUN into the final answer, but the un-punned word – DEFINITION – breaks down as def-i-ni-tion, NOT what we had to fill in.  I’ll give the guys an “A” for effort, but for me it was a “F”ail.

All four clue words are on the ralis95 clue word database.  Two of the jumbles are coming up as new, for me.  But we’ve definitely seen “zimea” and “iniocc” in earlier Jumbles.  The answer letter layout was a troublesome ten letter jumble.  It surely did not give anything away.  Even after knowing the final answer I did rewrite the vowels and consonants, separately, in alphabetical order, but I doubt that I would have come up with DE-FUN-ITION.

Cute cartoon of the son doing his penitent assignment, while his dear old dad gives him some encouragement.  Not sure if what is on the computer screen was supposed to be a hint, but it was illegible for me.  That final answer just does not work for me.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google


  1. Unc, I absolutely missed the connection of the two jumbles. I thought today’s was grand also. It took me putting the letters into alphabetical order to figure out the answer, but it all came together pretty quickly. MAIZE held me up the longest.

    Now I’m going back to look at yesterday’s jumble. I have no recall of it at all…but, that is life today!!

    Take care….LL

  2. Kiddo . . . as long as you solved it on yer own . . . yer a better Jumble solver than me! — YUR

  3. It wasn’t intuitive, UR, but I finally cracked it! What’s the opposite of fun? DE-FUN?

  4. Certainly NOT in our book, hal. It bothers me that I saw the answer though. I guess I’ll have to stay away from Google when something like this comes up in the future. Maybe I might have gotten it on my own. It’s not like I’m some kind of rookie at this. — YUR

  5. Unc, that is being very generous! I happened to find FUN, and it fell into place. You are certainly our ‘wordy’ guru!!

    Love this blog! LL

  6. Gee, Unc,

    I burned my brain on this one !

    For some reason, I couldn’t make my brain unscamble “ZIMEA”.

    I’ve never been good anyway at unscambling Jumbles where the final answer is in quotes. I know immediately that the final answer won’t be real words, but made-up quotes.

    I didn’t get this one, but congrats to those who did !

  7. I’m usually pretty good at the ones in quotations, lwc. As hal pointed out, the opposite of FUN is not normally DE-FUN, and the spacing (DE-FUN-ITION) did not align with DEF-I-NI-TION. I’m glad to see that you’re doing them on a regular basis again, buddy. — YUR

  8. LWC — so good to see you. Whenever I see an answer layout in quotes I always figure it’s going to take a bit to figure it out. I semi panic..which is so silly. It’s not often I don’t figure out a jumble, even if it takes a while, but I do groan when I see the quotes.

    Sure hope you are doing well!! Nice to see you. LindaLee

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