Cryptoquote Solved – 04/21/23

Author, linguist, philosopher and activist Noam Chomsky to deliver virtual  lecture at McMaster – Daily News

If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion.”   —   Noam Chomsky

(And, unfortunately, that is the choice that most of us – often unknowingly, but sometimes deliberately – make.  Like they say, the truth isn’t always pretty.  Illusions are so much more comforting.  I think that most us of could do with getting out of our comfort zones every now and then.  Dr./Prof. Chomsky is one of the preeminent Linguists, and one of the founders of cognitive science.  He is a brilliant man.  And, he tells it like it is . . . even if it occasionally offends people.  I was very surprised to see that this appear to be the first of his quotations used for the Cryptoquote.  We welcome him to the Cryptoquote Club today.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

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