Jumble Solved – 04/14/23

Who Gets Copies of the Will After a Person Dies?

Visual Description:   The reading of the will.


Clue/Question:  Giving a large inheritance to the family might have been a mistake, but – – –

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(Excellent, amusing Jumble pun!  Not a thousand percent sure that it’s brand new, but if we have had it before it must’ve been a long, long time ago.  Even if your estate is modest it really pays to have a will.  Dying intestate can be very messy and time consuming.  Take care of your – future – heirs!  Have a proper will drawn up.

We have definitely seen all four clue words before, as they’re all on the world famous ralis95 clue word database.  However, all four jumbles are coming up as new, for me.  The answer letter layout was thirsty thirteen letter jumble.  Craftily cryptic.  The final answer did come quickly to me though.  Probably because of the quotation marks.  I misspelled feisty, as that dopey I before E except after C rule doesn’t apply to words with with an I sound, just certain words with an E sound.  I didn’t even notice that I was missing the E, and I had an extra I!

Really great cartoon of the will reading.  Sorta like from a soap opera.  It looks like it must be at the home of the deceased, with those portraits on the wall.  What a motley looking crew of siblings.  Going clockwise from the top right, I see a smirk, a quirk, a berk, and a jerk.  Please excuse the Irish slang word!  It’s really not nice . . . but it rhymes!  And, the lawyer could be a clerk.  I won’t shirk the work, but I reserve the right to irk . . . and even go berserk.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google

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