Jumble Solved – 04/13/23

Classic Extra Large Globe Apollo | 16th Century Replica Floor Stand Globe

Visual Description:  Every father’s nightmare.


Clue/Question:  Most people accept that the world is round, but a few people – – –

Even Flat Earthers Believe in Climate Change


(There are definitely some out there.  I think the term “conspiracy theory” is WAY overused, and it is generally used as a pejorative to stifle legitimate discussion, and to keep people in check.  But scientific facts are scientific facts, folks.  Why debate what is measurable and provable?  Yes, the Cold War’s nuclear arms race was a big factor in the space race, between the U.S. and the Soviets.  But that doesn’t mean that manned space flight and the moon landing were faked in any way.  Do governments frequently lie/hide the truth?  Sure.  Do they make deals with human rights violators?  Unfortunately, yes.  Do they occasionally sacrifice some people as a way of the ends justifying the means?  Absolutely.  But there’s no end game in falsifying science.  There just isn’t.

There were no new clue words today.  Sorry, LindaLee!  Two of the jumbles are coming up as new, but we’ve definitely seen both “tryid” and “etlfe” in earlier Jumbles.  All the clue words came to me quickly this morning.  The answer letter layout was another terrific twelve letter jumble.  Expertly jumbled, so as not to be obvious.  After ticking off the DENY IT letters that left me with TYFALL, which gave me FLATLY.  A perfect pun for the situation.

Great cartoon of the incredulous father talking to his daughter’s boyfriend.  Hopefully, this was not a real life episode for Jeff Knurek . . . or David L. Hoyt.  We try to raise our kids to seek out honest and rational partners, but there’s only so much any parent can do.  There are a lot of sketchy folks who sometimes seem to have a strange appeal to those that we love.  Sad but true.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google


  1. Flat Earthers 🌏 really are idiots. I mean, really? Kyrie Irving is one of them. He’s just a bad guy, so I’m not surprised. I truly think that they know the earth not flat and they are playing some sort of prank. Nobody can be that dumb!

    Speaking of being dumb, the Irvings over there 👉 stuttered 11x again y’day, but 7 came from their top globe trotter 🙋🏻‍♀️. 🏀. Better ratio 7/11. Lots of page views too! 🤥

    Yes Unc it’s warm here again today! 🥵 I blame Al Gore for this Global 🌎 Warming! And he invented the internet too! 🎶 You can call me Betty, you can call me Al…. Call Me Al 🎶. Quite the influencer. And I love that song that Paul Simon wrote about him ✍️.

    Stay safe out there and wear sunscreen ☀️,

    — Smitty

  2. Very funny, Ranger Smith. You know that Global Warming has been happening since before Al Gore sounded the alarm. He was just the first person of power/renown to warn the general public. Science nerds knew of it before Al brought it up.
    — YUR

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