Jumble Solved – 04/07/23

Ye Olde] 1982: the year of the home computers | I ❤ Old Games!

Visual Description:  1980’s Flashback.


Clue/Question:  In the past, the idea of streaming a movie digitally would have seemed – – –

How Movie Projectors Work | HowStuffWorks

Answer:  UN-“REEL“-ISTIC

(A wonderfully stinky pun!  I went ’80s because that’s when floppy discs were actually floppy.  The later “floppy discs” were much more rigid, and compact, compared to the original ones.  But computer technology, and capacities, have been increasing by leaps and bounds, over a relatively short time period.  Just think of everything that the average cellphone can do these days.  It’s mind boggling, but we all take it for granted.  My son worked as a projectionist for a few years, and he welcomed in the transition of reel movies to the digital ones, sometime around 2010.  Everything is pretty much digital these days.

It looks like David L. Hoyt came up with another new clue word, with “pileup”.  The jumble was the only one to give me any trouble.  I had to start writing out two different letter combinations.  First PULPIE and then UPPILE.  Guess which one gave me the clue word?  I’m still not a big fan of compound words.  All four jumbles are coming up as new.  The answer letter layout was an elite eleven letter jumble.  I figured the two letter portion of the final answer had to be either IN or UN.  I settled on UN, and then the quotation marks led me to REEL, and the rest fell into place.

Great cartoon of a movie house projection booth.  Great haircuts on the guys!  I’m just noticing the desk calendar next to the guy’s keyboard.  It says 1982, and below that APRIL.  Not sure if there’s any reel significance to that time period, but I suppose there could be one.  Is that when PCs came out?  I don’t think the PCs had towers back then though.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google


  1. I remember my Dad having a big Rolodex full of those big floppy disks 💾. Never quite knew what was going on there 🖥️ I had a Mac that had an external disk drive. Gained an extra 128k 💾 ! Woohoo! 😃. Another 200 pages of text…. 🤷🏻‍♂️. Seems like ancient times now…

    Speaking of ancient, the old geezers over there went nuts 🌰 🥜 y”day with 22 entries and a whopping dozen from their Lady Rumpelstiltskin 🙋🏻‍♀️. What Covid 🦠? She’s all better Tks 🤒! Thank God that’s behind 🍑 her now.

    Have a happy Easter🐇. Don’t eat too many peeps 🐥. I’ll be grilling some lamb 🐑 and veggie kabobs. I’m not even Greek! Hey Unc, do you know how to separate men from boys in Greece? I do! With a crowbar!

    Happy Easter!

    — Smitty 🐣

  2. Ooooh peeps! Loved peeps. No matter my age, mama ALWAYS surprised me with a pack of plain ole peeps on Easter Sunday. A dear memory today.

    Peeps AND another new clue word! It is a grand day in jumble land 😊🙃. L.

  3. I was always more of a chocolate bunny guy. My brother and sister would have to hide theirs from me, as I might bite off their ears, or tails! I got the deal of the century on the Monday after Easter. My grocery store had 4.4 oz bags of Lindt Lindor Milk Chocolate truffle eggs that retailed before Easter for $5.19. They were on sale for $1.69. I was happy with that. When I rang them (2) up at the self-checkout they said $1.69 You Saved $3.50. But then, because of my Price Plus card it then said Save $1.69 . . . twice! My receipt said Tax 0.00 Balance 0.00 Cash 0.00 and Change 0.00! I’m taking this as payback for their closing the store in my town, and forcing me to go to the one in NJ. LOL!
    — YUR

  4. You got us on another one, Bob! 05/21/15 was a Thursday, so again, a bit of a surprise. Even if you’re not a regular commenter I appreciate your being a reader, AND the kind words. — YUR

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