Jumble Solved – 06/13/24

Visual Description:  Brian’s Beatles.


Clue/Question:  That the Beatles at Shea Stadium in 1965 would draw huge crowds was – – –


(A FAB-ulous stinky pun!  The Fab Four may have been at their – popular – rock high in 1965.  This was when they put out “Help” and “Rubber Soul”.  It was before they developed their psychedelic sound which started with “Revolver” and “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”.  It was also before the whole “more popular than Jesus” kerfuffle.  In 1965 they were still “cute”, and the girls would go gaga crazy whenever the Beatles appeared . . . forget about sing!  They say that you really couldn’t hear them singing at the Shea Stadium concert, because of the non-stop screaming of the fans.  They only played a handful of concerts after that, and then became a studio-only band.

All four clue words are on the ralis95 clue word database.  Three of the jumbles appear to be new, but we’ve definitely seen “feagf” in at least one previous Jumble.  Three were easy, but I had a heck of a time with “surlap”!  I didn’t back into it though.  When I forced myself to – actually – write out combinations I started with PUL, and from that I saw PULSAR.  The word is pretty specific to the science of astronomy, so I wouldn’t exactly call it an “ordinary word”, but . . . whadayagunnado!  The answer letter layout was an elusive eleven letter jumble.  Fabulously cryptic!  But because of the layout of the final answer slots, and the quotation marks, the pun had to be a take on the word FORE.  The SEEABLE was . . . seeable!

Great cartoon of the Fab Four, with their manager Brian Epstein.  It looks like Brian is holding up a poster of the Beatles’ upcoming concert at Shea Stadium.  Rock concert posters are very collectible!  Jeff did a great job of illustrating all of them.  He even went a little easy on Ringo!  I always enjoy the historical/period Jumbles.  Great Jumble.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR



  1. You have the World Famous Ralis95 clue word database in your fingertips UR; I wonder sometimes why you have to struggle solving database clue words!! Ha ha.

    Anyway, just kidding! I agree, the cartoon sketch reflected the Fab 4 very clearly though, especially Ringo Starr!

    • JOHN
  2. Great commentary on today’s Jumble, Uncle! I, too, greatly enjoy the historical puzzles. I had trouble with “pulsar”, too.


  3. The database does not contain all possible jumbles of a clue word, John. And, you know I wouldn’t cheat even if it was possible. LOL! I thought the depiction of Ringo was rather flattering! — YUR

  4. Thank you, Bill. I always appreciate hearing from the like-minded! LOL! — YUR

  5. Pulsar was a bit of a buggar for me! I felt for sure it had to be new! NOT 😦

    Yes, the Beetles. I’ll never forget my Daddy’s reaction to them on Ed Sullivan. Not favorable — AT ALL. Their hair had the adults all in an uproar! The music — well, it wasn’t country nor Elvis! And I’m sitting on the floor in front of the TV and loving every second of them!! LL

  6. I remember the mop-top haircuts being an issue early on, but it didn’t take long before lots of kids started wearing their hair like them! — YUR

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