Jumble Solved – 06/10/24

Visual Description:  Waking in the wicker.


Clue/Question:  Being able to see the sunrise from a hot air balloon was a good reason to – – –


(WAY UP!  Up in the clouds, probably.  Hot air balloons are very cool.  I’ve been intrigued with them since the first time I saw “The Wizard of Oz”, and that has to be 60+ years ago.  Never had the opportunity to go up in one . . . yet.  I guess that’s because I never put forth the effort to do so.  I’ve seen them up in the air numerous times though, in New Jersey and in Colorado.  But I’ve never seen one that takes folks up as a business.  I guess I should Google “hot air balloon rides near me”.

I had thought that we might have a new clue word today, in TANGY, because it is not on the ralis95 clue word database.  But as I was entering NYT into my Tags I saw that I do have a GANYT already, which means that we HAVE had TANGY before.  Don’t ask me when though.  I will have to email the boss-man to let him know that he missed one.  The other three clue words were definitely there.  Three of the jumbles are coming up as new, but we’ve seen “druyel” in at least one earlier Jumble.  The answer letter layout was a tense ten letter jumble.  Nothing obvious about it.  The word UP was a gimme.  Which made GET pretty obvious.  The LAYER gave me EARLY.  It’s a great stinky pun!

Great cartoon of the family taking a hot air balloon ride, starting a little before dawn.  Junior sure looks sleepy.  It looks like they are flying over farmland.  I like the shadow of the barn down below.  And, it’s an awesome daybreak they are experiencing.  Nice job, Jeff.  This would be a great Jumble post for a hot air balloon photo!  LOL!  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR


  1. No, no, no on the hot air balloon ride!! I’d freak. We used to have a yearly hot air balloon festival here. It’s now been a number of years since that happened. It was a lot of fun. And seeing the balloons all going up was quite the site. LL

  2. After sky diving, I think I could handle a hot air balloon ride. I’d still like to try paragliding and hang-gliding too. At nearly 67 I think I might pass on bungee jumping though. With my luck the knot would slip, or the bungee would snap! — YUR

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