Cryptoquote Solved – 03/11/24

Juan Ramón Jiménez poet | Winstonsdad's Blog

You are reborn with the roses, in every spring.”   —   Juan Ramon Jimenez

(Ah, poets!  You can’t live with them . . . and you can’t kill them!  Especially Juan Ramon Jimenez!  He’s already been dead for 65 years.  Roses are perennials, but all you’re likely to see in the spring are new leaves.  Maybe later spring you’ll see blooms, but more so in the summer and fall.  There are plenty other flowers associated with spring.  This appears to be the first J.R. Jimenez quote to be used for a Cryptoquote.  So, we welcome Juan Ramon Jimenez – posthumously – to the Cryptoquote Club today.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

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