Sunday Jumble Solved – 09/17/23

At 101, Maine woman is the oldest lobster fisher in the state — and she  doesn't plan on stopping

Visual Description:  The Maine man?


Clue/Question:  The lobsterman always gave away half of his catch because he was – – –

Pre-Answer:  Three Words  (8-letters)  (2-letters)  “(7-letters)”

101-Year-Old Fisherwoman is Maine's Oldest Lobster-Catcher With 94 Years on  the Job


(A very clever pun, and a very challenging solve!  It certainly didn’t seem obvious to me.  But then again, I’m not a fan of shellfish.  I’m not allergic, or anything.  I think I mast be half Jewish.  I’m not a fan of bottom dwellers . . . of the sea.  I’m perfectly fine with all sorts of pork.  I’d probably eat bacon every day, if I could get away with it.  But, you know what that means, folks?  All the more shellfish for the rest of you!

All six Jumble clue words are already on the ralis95 clue word database.  Five of the jumbles are coming up as new, for me.  The only one we’ve seen without question is “vlareg”.  They all came to me right away.  The answer letter layout was a spectacular seventeen letter jumble.  Extremely cryptic.  Even rewriting the vowels, and then consonants, in alphabetical order didn’t give it away to me.  I wasn’t sure if the short word was going to be OF or TO.  I finally figured on SELFISH, which led me to TO.  But it took me some time to see ALLERGIC.

Great cartoon of all the recipients of the fisherman’s largess.  It looks like the one lady is coming away with a bag of clams.  Not sure if Jeff was giving a little send up to the B-52s, with the name of the boat, or not.  One of the few seascape cartoons without a classic sinking sailboat on the horizon.  Oh, well.  I guess you can’t have everything.  LOL!  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google


  1. Rats….I had a reply…but there was nowhere to put my name and email….so, it may or may not have gone through.

    I threw in the towel today on this one. I got “selfish,” however, the rest of it just did not come to me. I’m several weeks behind in reading the blog and will eventually catch up. I feel like when I do catch up, as I go through the blogs, I’ll be seeing a couple of new clue words. But then, I’m always thinking I see a new clue word and I’m wrong. So there’s that.

    As always, thank you Unc! LL. PS…still no place for my name or email!

  2. LindaLee, LindaLee! WordPress seems to always be making “improvements” without warning/explanation. Rest assured that both of your comments got through. I approved the second one only, because everything in the first is in this one that I’m replying to. Sunday’s Jumble was difficult for a lot of people, so don’t feel bad.

    Take your time catching up. You know we’ll still be here for you. New words are as rare as hen’s teeth. You are very welcome, in all ways.

    — YUR

  3. Unc,

    When you changed to this format, many of the messages you post don’t indicate the writers’ names. We can only see who’s replying if you mention them in your comments.

    Just wondering.

    I feel like I know your correspondents better when I see their names posted.

  4. Greetings — I’ve tried to leave a response twice now. I can’t see a way to send it. There is no space to add my name nor my email address! So, I’m trying the respond by email method. Very strange

    This one got me. I worked on it through yesterday morning. Got the “selfish,” but the rest of it did not flow…not even a trinkle!

    I am behind on reading the blog…but will not leave a post unread! I’m thinking that I’ll be seeing a few new clue words as I work my way up the ladder—but maybe not. I always think I’m seeing a new clue work.

    Hope everyone is well….Unc, sure hope you get this!! LL

  5. Your other two DID make it, LindaLee! I responded to the later/fuller one and deleted the earlier one. If you go to the Sunday Jumble Solved – 09/17/23 and scroll down to the comments you should see it. But the good news is the “email method” that you used last night came through with your name on it, and not as Anonymous! So keep commenting that way, if it’s important to you. I can usually figure out who is commenting anyway, when it’s a “regular”.

    — YUR

  6. lwc. I did NOT change a thing. WordPress changes things all the time, without warning, and all of us are kind of forced to adapt. All I can do is reply with the name of the poster that I think it is.

    — YUR

  7. OKay, Unc,

    I got it, now.

    Apparently, WordPress made some changes, but not for the better. It’s harder to tell who’s commenting to or about whom.

    Maybe they’ll fix it.

    Be well, Unc. !

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