Cryptoquote Solved – 09/15/23

Casey Kasem (1932-2014) – IndieWire

Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.”   —   Casey Kasem

(Casey was a pretty big part of my teen years.  I remember listening to American Top 40, even though I was transitioning out of Pop, and into more Rock.  He had a very distinctive voice.  He was the voice of Shaggy, on the Scooby-Doo cartoons.  And he voiced/appeared on a number of television shows and movies.  It’s hard to believe he’s been gone over nine years.  This was his trademark phrase, which he closed his shows with.  And, it’s the first of his quotes to be used for a Cryptoquote, since I’ve been solving them.  So, we welcome Casey Kasem – posthumously, of course – to the Cryptoquote Club today.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Image courtesy of Google


  1. Gee, Unc !

    Now I know how young you are.

    I started watching music shows on TV back before your time when Dick Clark emceed on “American Bandstand”. We called it “rock and roll”.

    This was back before the days of “soul music”.

  2. I remember Bandstand very well, lwc! And, they were still calling it “rock and roll” well into the ’70s. When Dr. Hook sang “Cover of the Rolling Stone” they famously scream the words “ROCK AND ROLL!” Eventually, with the advent of Punk and New Wave, they kind of dropped the Roll and just went with Rock. But I go back to the Buddy Holly and early Elvis days! Of course I was just an infant, but Classic Rock has a way of staying with you.

    — YUR

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