Cryptoquote Solved – 08/07/23

Henry James Biography, Life, Interesting Facts

Summer afternoon – to me, those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”   —   Henry James

(Being raised in Great Britain, during the Industrial Revolution and Second Industrial Revolution, the summer months were always looked forward to.  It was the only season that wasn’t cold/cool and rainy!  If he were around today – especially this year – I think he might have a less flowery opinion of the season.  But things change, just as people change.  It makes no sense to be hyper-critical of those who came before us.  So many things that used to be acceptable are now considered horrific.  And, many things that used to be considered taboo are now embraced as perfectly normal.  At least to most.  Some recalcitrants will never change.  But, like the dinosaurs, even they eventually die off.  Vive la différence!  But don’t use today’s mores and ethics to pass judgement on what came before.  It’s an unfair fool’s game.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

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