Jumble Solved – 05/11/23

Sanitation Convenience Center

Visual Description:  Where does the Lone Ranger take his garbage ? ? ?


Clue/Question:  The landfill couldn’t accept that type of waste and had to – – –

A bear in Armour's landfill has led to questioning its safety policies |  MyKawartha.com


( . . . to da dump, to da dump, to da dump dump dump!  3rd grade jokes rule!  I’m pretty sure we have had this Jumble pun before.  Can’t say when, but it is very familiar.  That’s okay though.  It’s a good gag.  I always thought that song “Begin the Beguine” was Begin the Begin, just with a pronunciation variance of the word.  Similar to today’s quip.  I never even knew what beguine was.  Turns out it’s a dance, similar to the rhumba and/or foxtrot.   The wife and I used to watch “Dancing With The Stars”, but I don’t remember them ever dancing the beguine.  Maybe we just missed it?

All familiar clue words.  We haven’t seen USURP in a while.  Great word!  Three of the jumbles appear to be new, but we’ve definitely seen “pruus” in an earlier Jumble.  The answer letter layout was a terrific twelve letter jumble.  But the repeating letters made for a quick solve.  Along with the clue/question, cartoon and dialog.

Great cartoon of the guy with a pickup truck full of forbidden junk.  The gatekeeper is just doing his job.  Can’t have that stuff in a landfill.  Too many bad chemicals that will leach into the ground water.  And, you don’t want the bears getting sick!  Most communities have special droop off places for things like paint cans and solvents, batteries, certain light bulbs, computers, TVs, etc.  Tires have to go to registered mechanics and tire stores.  They take them to specialized centers to be ground up and reused in road construction.  Great Jumble.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google

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