Sunday Jumble Solved – 06/16/24

Visual Description:  The man from Mainz!


Clue/Question:  Johannes Gutenberg announced his new invention at the – – –

Pre-Answer:  Two Words  (5-letters)  (10-letters)


(Very cute!  But, of course, there was no such thing as a press conference until Gutenberg invented the printing press.  He was instrumental in information being made available to the common man.  Before he invented that all books, and notices, were handwritten by scribes.  The printing press contributed greatly to Europe getting out of the Dark Ages.  Information advances usually move mankind forward.  The jury is still out on AI.

All six clue words have shown up on the ralis95 clue word database.  Five of the jumbles are coming up as new for me.  But we have seen “garofe” in at least one previous Jumble.  None of the jumbles stumped me this morning.  The answer letter layout was a fantastic fifteen letter jumble.  I thought that it was nicely cryptic.  But – for me – the final answer was never in question.

Great period cartoon of the historic occasion.  Good depiction of the original printing press.  Everybody is wearing convincing 15th Century garb.  I always enjoy Jumbles like this.  Happy posthumous birthday to my Dad!  He would’ve turned 90 today.  Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there, and to those who have passed!  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR


  1. I got today’s answer and words except MOCIEM

    I’m 🍾 celebrating

    thanks for your work

    happy father’s day

  2. I didn’t get MOCIEM either. That wasn’t an option. No wonder you didn’t get it…. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. Hmm! I’m wondering if unapproved comments are showing up since the WordPress changes??? — YUR

  4. Unc, do you mean we can post whatever we want now? I’ll try and keep it clean 🚿! And no swear words either you old @#$&!

    — Smitty 🥂

  5. No, bud. It looks like an anonymous poster commented, and then answered his own question, before I could answer. Congrats on your Celtics winning their 18th championship! — YUR

  6. Thanks Unc 🍀 🏀 . Maybe it’s just me, but that one seemed way too easy? I enjoyed the old Celtics/Lakers/Pistons rivalries much more. Close games, game 7s, tough battles with Bird, Magic, Laimbeer, Isiah etc. the good old days. Now that was the NBA I enjoyed.
    The good old days.

    Old Fart 💨 ,

    — Smitty 🦯

  7. Yeah, I really thought Donzcik and Irving would make it more competitive. Your guys dominated! You guys gave them game 4, so you could win it back at home. I like the older NBA too. Way too much emphasis on the 3 these days. — YUR

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