Cryptoquote Spoiler – 07/22/20

Between MLK and Obama Comes Carol Moseley Braun | Women's eNews

Magic lies in challenging what seems impossible.”   —   Carol Moseley Braun

(Ms. Moseley Braun is a very accomplished lawyer, politician, and diplomat, from the great state of Illinois.  She has a long string of firsts attached to her name.  This quote is her first contribution to the Cryptoquote, so we welcome her to the Cryptoquote Club today!  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Image courtesy of Google


  1. I remember Madame Braun joining the Senate in the 1990’s and was the first black woman to do so. However, she stayed for only one term and moved on. I think most of her political career was for short stints.

    She was apparently ahead of her time when in comes to controversies over Confederate flags. According to Wikipedia, when the Daughters of the Confederacy sought to renew the federal government patent of the flag, which included the “official” Confederate Flag, Madame Braun determined that she would filibuster the proposition, “until this room freezes over”. That forced even the ardent segregationist Senator Jesse Helms, who sponsored the bill, to back down.

    I can’t determine if it’s been renewed since then.

    She was no “shrinking flower”. Even I would have been afraid of Jesse Helms.

  2. lwc, I’m a lifelong liberal . . . with a few libertarian leanings, who always used to scoff at the conservatives who would warn of that “slippery slope”. What they said simple changes might lead to always seemed ridiculous to me. But, now I’m seeing it. I think that all of this *being offended*, by every conceivable thing, has just gotten completely out of control. The social art of tolerating our various differences has been completely replaced by the unforgiving strict adherence to *political correctness*. In my opinion, this is an affront to free speech, and instead of bringing us together it driving a much wider wedge between all of us. This is very unhealthy, as I feel it is leading to very dangerous levels of resentment. When you are constantly saying “You can’t say that!” you are hamstringing the conversation. This is how you kill communication. And, without true communication you are dooming society to failure.

    — YUR

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