Jumble Spoiler – 02/15/20

Image result for family at a restaurant

Visual Description:  Mom, imposing some dining etiquette.


Clue/Question:  They ordered starters before the meal, but the kids were more interested in – – –

Image result for family at a restaurant


(Kids today!  Well, it’s not really just kids.  Some people are completely addicted to their cell phones, and have forgotten what constitutes good vs. bad manners.  Unfortunately, so many manners have fallen by the wayside.  It used to be a man – gentleman – never wore a hat indoors.  At least not in the presence of a woman, and never in an eating establishment.  I see it all the time now-a-days.  My mom is rolling in her grave!

Absolutely no new clue words today.  Ralis95 can rest easy.  All four of the jumbles are coming up as new however.  I didn’t struggle with any of them though.  The answer letter layout was another fine nine letter jumble.  Nicely cryptic.

The great cartoon and dialog, and clue question – “starters” instead of appetizers – made this a fairly easy solve, for me.  At least the dad and boy aren’t wearing hats!  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Images courtesy of Google

One comment

  1. UR…..^Sadly I must agree with you on the all-round decline in the USA of general “good manners”…..*
    One example is this; My first time in Bahrain I
    was surprised at the great show of manners
    in this Island Nation of approx. 1.3 million people.The higher degree of style/ class bordered on amazing!!☆

    Blessed week all…….>>>>>>>

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