Cryptoquote Spoiler – 11/25/19

Image result for Lupita Nyong'o

Clay can be dirt in the wrong hands, but clay can be art in the right hands.”   —   Lupita Nyong’o

(This one took some doing!  Nothing ends in E.  No repeating, or alternating letters.  And, not a lot of names have apostrophes there.  I was able to see THE RIGHT, but erred and tried making the C the S, but I don’t know any words that end in SG.  So, I switched the S to N and I was off to the races.  This is our first quote from the Kenyan actress.  So, today we welcome Lupita Nyong’o to the Cryptoquote Club!  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

Image courtesy of Google


  1. Nothing given away in the author’s name today! But I started with assumption that three-letter word after the comma was BUT, making the “OTY” words THE, and then it gradually came together. Definitely not a pushover like our old friend François de La Rochefoucauld!

  2. Yeah. It was BUT that got me started to. (I failed to mention that!) Frankie has become a bit of a giveaway! — YUR

  3. Even though she’s pretty in pictures, they still don’t do her justice.
    You have to see the ‘real’ her in person.

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