Cryptoquote Spoiler – 02/28/18

Image result for edward g. bulwer-lytton

Truth makes on the ocean of nature no one track of light; every eye, looking on, finds its own.”   —   Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

(Yes.  Even as you are solving it you keep scratching your head, and think . . . WTF!  Well first off, the dude is a poet.  Second off, he’s British.  But, when you read it a few times, it begins to sink in.  Sure, Ed is a bit of a fancy pants.  But, he knoweth of what he speaketh!  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR

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  1. Ah, Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the novelist who bequeathed us “It was a dark and stormy night”! Perhaps the most parodied opening line in all English lit!
    I found this one not an easy solve, UR. Even after I spotted EVERY EYE, giving me two of the most frequent letters, E and R, the rest of the words were a little opaque, like OCEAN and TRACK; and using NO ONE as an adjective instead of a pronoun was also a bit unexpected.
    The sentiment, that truth is relative, or at least a matter of personal judgment, must have been outré to the Victorian audience.

  2. “…nothing is so agonizing to the fine skin of vanity as the application of rough truth.”

    Does that remind us of anyone ?

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