Cryptoquote Spoiler – 11/24/17

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Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.”   —   Ralph Marston

(This is a portion of a larger quote, from a regular guy, who makes a living being “The Daily Motivator”.  And for that, I’ve gotta hand it to him.  He’s not the guy who played a single NFL season for the Boston Bulldogs, back in 1929, despite what some meme creators seem to think!  Besides being a place of potential identity fraud, the internet can also be a place of both misinformation, and intentional disinformation.  So search, and process, all info with discrimination.  Then, when you have some spare time, ask some wordsmith why “indiscriminately” is perfectly acceptable, yet “discriminately” seems to be frowned upon.  LOL!)   —   YUR

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