Jumble Spoiler – 03/11/16

Orange juice is usually served cold.
Orange juice is usually served cold. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Visual Description:  Determined looking scientists.


Clue/Question:  To figure out how to send orange juice to WWII troops, the researchers – – –

English: orange juice cans with ice crystals. ...
English: orange juice cans with ice crystals. Hoar frost crystals (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


(By and large, I think most Americans have kind of gotten away from frozen concentrated OJ, because of all the pasteurized fresh squeezed options that are available these days.  As a kid, I remember buying the cans of the frozen concentrate, and keeping them in the freezer until you needed it.  Then you’d take it out of the freezer, maybe run the unopened can under some warm water for a bit, and plop the semi-frozen blob into a pitcher.  Then, you’d add three cans full of water, and stir and stir, until you had your OJ!  I guess they still sell it.  I see it in my mom’s freezer.  But, I haven’t bought it in years.  When’s the last time you bought frozen concentrate???

Hey!  Guess what?  We have a new clue word today, in “eureka”.  Our old buddy, ralis95, has a little updating to do on his world famous clue word database!  And, all the other jumbles came up as new as well.  The answer letter layout was good, but I think it would have been better if they had switched “cargo” for “ninth”.  No biggie though.  Great, silly cartoon.  Be well and do good, friends.)   —   YUR


  1. I think Americans feel so conflicted with all the spills and rot associated with it, that the last thing on their mind at the moment is to consume more of the stuff, be it in a ‘concentrated’ or dilute form. To be honest, the whole thing makes me sick. Oh, wait, you’re not talking about Orenthal James?? so sorry

  2. I had forgotten about those cans of frozen OJ. My mother bought them as well and I had to stock them in the freezer at Winn Dixie. When the answer jumps out at me like it did today it makes it hard for me to get interested in solving the word jumbles. EUREKA gave me a little trouble but then it came to me in a eureka moment!

  3. EUREKA took a little bit of thinking, and the final answer did NOT jump out at me at all. I had to CONCENTRATE a lot to get it. 🙂

  4. Guess I never realized that the cans of frozen OJ concentrate were socially undesirable. I’ve never hesitated to purchase them; it seems more economical as one isn’t paying for the largish container and the transportation weight of what is mostly water. And “they” have mostly reduced the half gallon 64 oz. containers to 59 oz., making that even worse of a deal.


  5. Hey, Art!

    I wouldn’t go as far to say that frozen concentrate is “socially undesirable”. I think people just like the convenience of the *ready to drink* juices. That, and there is a fairly noticeable taste difference. But, you bring up some excellent points! Frozen concentrate IS more economical, and they HAVE reduced the amount in the fresh squeezed, and other *ready to drink*, juices! Plus, you can keep the cans of concentrate in your freezer for near eternity! Another plus, the “cans” for concentrate are actually a type of cardboard, and you reuse your own pitcher over and over again, so you create less waste. And, that waste is more biodegradable. Fresh squeezed, and other ready to drink, juices come in larger cardboard containers, that are less biodegradable, or plastic jugs, that don’t biodegrade, and should be recycled. So, there are numerous reasons to opt for frozen concentrate!

    You da man, Art.

    — YUR

  6. I got all the words but was totally stumped by the ww II reference. I don’t see how concentrated makes that connection other except for the oranges.

  7. Hi, Susan!

    It was a little before my time, but apparently the Florida Citrus Commission and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed *frozen concentrate* during the 1940s. Presumably for the purpose of getting the juice to our fighting forces during WWII. This might have taken a while to perfect, as Wikipedia asserts that it was “developed” in 1948, which was a few years after the war had ended.

    I hope this helps.

    — YUR

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