Jumble Spoiler – 06/26/12

Bruce Dickinson
Bruce Dickinson (Photo credit: Hard Rock Café Berlin)

Visual Description:  A send-up to The Far Side.


Clue/Question:  The cow couldn’t buy the new cowbell because she didn’t have enough . . .

Answer:  MOOLAH

(What a difference a day makes!  Yesterday’s wasn’t impossible, but the answer was twelve letters, and involved some thought.  Today’s is just a single, six letter word answer, that would only challenge those who speak English as a Second Language.  And, I’m sure many of those people got it fairly easily, as well.  The saving grace of the Jumble is the humorous cartoon.  Why does the one cow almost appear to be wearing a dress, while the other one is Doe-naked, save for her bell and purse?!?!  I think it’s udderly ridiculous!  I wonder what “The Bruce Dickinson” would say about this cartoon???  Hmm!

Alright.  Now, down to the nuts and bolts of it.  All the clue words were well jumbled, but especially “belong”.  I didn’t need to write it out, or anything, but I had to go through quite a few mental combos before seeing it.  It looks like “harsh” is going to be a new addition to the ralis95 clue word database.  The answer letter layout did not give anything away.  But, the cartoon . . . OMG!  Are those Holsteins shopping at Halston‘s???  LOL!  Be well and do good, friends.  And, as Salma would say:  Don’t forget to dreenk your meelk!  How come her Mexican mom has less of an accent than her???  Por qué?)   —   YUR

PS.  LOVE the Salma Hayek!  How hot is she?!?!   —   YUR

PPS.  I like this mask.  It reminds me of a Mexican wrestler’s mask!   —   YUR


  1. Seems like “moolah” was a clue word recently. When I put it into my handy dandy Franklin Spelling Ace to make sure it was a word and that I had spelled it correctly, it popped up as “It’s your word,” which I assume means I must have added it to my Franklin database. Anyway, harsh took several minutes, and I did have to play with belong on paper before I got it, but it didn’t take long to complete today’s puzzle. Cute. The mask reminds me of death masks we had to make for ourselves while participating in a “getting to know yourself” weekend at the beach several years ago.

  2. Unc, I don’t know Lesley, but I love the beach!!!!! Am there every fall for at least two weeks. And will go whenever asked!

  3. Oops! You said the “beach”, didn’t you? I forgot for a moment that Lesley is a Jersey girl. They go to the “shore”! Being a mountain lake kinda guy it’s all the same to me.

    — YUR

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