Cryptoquote Spoiler – 01/11/11

Glock 19 Pistol,
Image via Wikipedia

I have a new philosophy.  I’m only going to dread one day at a time.”   — Charles M. Schulz

(In the context of the comics’ Charlie Brown, this line elicits both pathos and humor.  Our lovable loser is just trying to cope the best he can.  But, when you apply it to real life it brings to mind the tortured minds of people like Jared Lee Loughner and Seung Hui Cho.  They, apparently, dreaded every single day, of their later lives at least.  Picking up on, and keying in on, all the vitriol and negative aspects of today’s sensory overloaded world.  And, resenting – and just not understanding – other people’s happiness and success.  Why not ME??? Their sense of hopelessness driving a feeling of utter desperation, until they finally reach some kind of horrible breaking point.  There is still plenty of good in this world.  Despite all the tragedy and craziness that seem to assault our senses, non-stop, there are still reasons to be hopeful and thankful.  I think the stronger of us need to do much more to convey a sense of optimism to those who are clearly struggling.  Many people do need professional help, but we need to do our part as well.)   — YUR

PS.  I’d much prefer showing a picture of Charlie Brown, but there are too many copyright issues.

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